An error occurred while processing the template.
Java method "com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.DateUtil_IW.parseDate(String, String, Locale)" threw an exception when invoked on com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.DateUtil_IW object "com.liferay.portal.kernel.util.DateUtil_IW@37847e5f"; see cause exception in the Java stack trace. ---- FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related): - Failed at: #assign createdAt = dateUtil.parseDat... [in template "1090895#1091423#946532" at line 10, column 1] ----
1<#-- SERVIÇOS -->
2<#assign JournalArticleLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService") />
3<#assign AssetCategoryLocalService = serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.asset.kernel.service.AssetCategoryLocalService") />
5<#-- CONTEÚDO WEB -->
6<#assign dateFormat = "dd/MM/yyyy HH'h'mm" />
7<#assign journalArticleModel = "com.liferay.journal.model.JournalArticle" />
8<#assign currentArticle = JournalArticleLocalService.getArticle(articleGroupId, .vars['reserved-article-id'].data) />
9<#assign categories = AssetCategoryLocalService.getCategories(journalArticleModel, currentArticle.getResourcePrimKey()) />
10<#assign createdAt = dateUtil.parseDate("EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z", .vars['reserved-article-create-date'].data, locale)?string("dd/MM/yyyy HH'h'mm") />
11<#assign updatedAt = dateUtil.parseDate("EEE, d MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss Z", .vars['reserved-article-modified-date'].data, locale)?string("dd/MM/yyyy HH'h'mm") />
12<#assign fullURLCurrent = themeDisplay.getURLPortal() + themeDisplay.getURLCurrent() />
13<#assign images = picture_gallery.getSiblings() />
15<div class="news model">
16 <#if categories?has_content>
17 <div class="news-categories mb-4">
18 <#list categories as category>
19 <a
20 class="h5 text-primary font-weight-semi-bold mb-4"
21 href="${htmlUtil.escape(layout.getGroup().getDisplayURL(themeDisplay, false))}/noticias"
22 data-category-id="${category.getCategoryId()}"
23 >
24 ${category.getName()}
25 </a>
26 </#list>
27 </div>
28 <#else>
29 <h5 class="text-primary font-weight-semi-bold mb-4">Sesc Mesa Brasil</h5>
30 </#if>
32 <h2 class="font-weight-semi-bold mb-4">${.vars['reserved-article-title'].data}</h2>
34 <#if summary.getData()??>
35 <h5 class="font-weight-semi-bold mb-4">${summary.getData()}</h5>
36 </#if>
38 <div class="share-wrapper d-flex flex-column flex-md-row align-items-lg-center justify-content-between py-2 py-lg-0">
39 <div class="publish-date d-lg-flex">
40 <p class="mb-2 m-lg-0">Publicado em ${createdAt}</p>
41 <p class="border-lg-left border-secondary ml-lg-3 pl-lg-3 m-0">Atualizada em ${updatedAt}</p>
42 </div>
44 <div class="d-flex align-items-center">
45 <p class="m-0 mr-2">Compartilhe:</p>
46 <@share
47 title=.vars['reserved-article-title'].data
48 url=fullURLCurrent
49 />
50 </div>
51 </div>
53 <#if (news_cover.img.getData())?? && news_cover.img.getData() != "">
54 <div class="news-cover mt-6 mb-5 mx-auto" style="max-width: 864px;">
55 <img alt="${news_cover.img.getAttribute('alt')}" data-fileentryid="${news_cover.img.getAttribute('fileEntryId')}" src="${news_cover.img.getData()}"/>
57 <#if (news_cover.subtitle.getData())??>
58 <h6 class="text-center mt-3">${news_cover.subtitle.getData()}</h6>
59 </#if>
61 <#if (>
62 <p class="text-center mt-2">${}</p>
63 </#if>
64 </div>
65 </#if>
67 <article>${content.getData()}</article>
69 <#if images?has_content>
70 <#if (images?size > 3)>
71 <div class="picture-gallery mt-6" data-slick-slide="true">
72 <#list images as curImage>
73 <#if (curImage.gallery_img.getData())?? && curImage.gallery_img.getData() != "">
74 <div class="slick-slide-item">
75 <img alt="${curImage.gallery_img.getAttribute('alt')}" data-fileentryid="${curImage.gallery_img.getAttribute('fileEntryId')}" src="${curImage.gallery_img.getData()}" class="w-100" />
77 <div class="slick-slide-caption">
78 <#if (curImage.gallery_subtitle.getData())??>
79 <h5 class="text-center mt-3 mb-0">${curImage.gallery_subtitle.getData()}</h5>
80 </#if>
82 <#if (curImage.gallery_credit.getData())??>
83 <p class="text-center mt-1 m-0">${curImage.gallery_credit.getData()}</p>
84 </#if>
85 </div>
86 </div>
87 </#if>
88 </#list>
89 </div>
91 <script>
92 $(document).ready(function() {
93 $("[data-slick-slide='true']").slick({
94 dots: false,
95 infinite: true,
96 speed: 500,
97 slidesToShow: 3,
98 adaptiveHeight: true,
99 responsive: [
100 {
101 breakpoint: Liferay.BREAKPOINTS.TABLET,
102 settings: {
103 slidesToShow: 2,
104 infinite: true,
105 }
106 },
107 {
108 breakpoint: Liferay.BREAKPOINTS.PHONE,
109 settings: {
110 slidesToShow: 1
111 }
112 }
113 ]
114 });
115 });
116 </script>
117 <#else>
118 <div class="picture-gallery row gutters-16 mt-6">
119 <#list images as curImage>
120 <#if (curImage.gallery_img.getData())?? && curImage.gallery_img.getData() != "">
121 <div class="slick-slide-item col-md">
122 <img alt="${curImage.gallery_img.getAttribute('alt')}" data-fileentryid="${curImage.gallery_img.getAttribute('fileEntryId')}" src="${curImage.gallery_img.getData()}" class="w-100" />
124 <div class="slick-slide-caption">
125 <#if (curImage.gallery_subtitle.getData())??>
126 <h5 class="text-center mt-3 mb-0">${curImage.gallery_subtitle.getData()}</h5>
127 </#if>
129 <#if (curImage.gallery_credit.getData())??>
130 <p class="text-center mt-1 m-0">${curImage.gallery_credit.getData()}</p>
131 </#if>
132 </div>
133 </div>
134 </#if>
135 </#list>
136 </div>
137 </#if>
138 </#if>
141<#macro share title url>
142 <div
143 id="share"
144 class="btn-group"
145 role="group"
146 >
147 <a
148 class="btn btn-monospaced btn-unstyled lfr-portal-tooltip"
149 href="${url}"
150 target="_blank"
151 title="Compartilhar no Facebook"
152 data-tooltip-align="bottom"
153 >
154 <svg width="24" height="25" viewBox="0 0 24 25" fill="none" xmlns="">
155 <path d="M20.25 2H3.75C3.15326 2 2.58097 2.23705 2.15901 2.65901C1.73705 3.08097 1.5 3.65326 1.5 4.25L1.5 20.75C1.5 21.3467 1.73705 21.919 2.15901 22.341C2.58097 22.7629 3.15326 23 3.75 23H10.1836V15.8605H7.23047V12.5H10.1836V9.93875C10.1836 7.02547 11.918 5.41625 14.5744 5.41625C15.8466 5.41625 17.1769 5.64312 17.1769 5.64312V8.5025H15.7111C14.2669 8.5025 13.8164 9.39875 13.8164 10.318V12.5H17.0405L16.5248 15.8605H13.8164V23H20.25C20.8467 23 21.419 22.7629 21.841 22.341C22.2629 21.919 22.5 21.3467 22.5 20.75V4.25C22.5 3.65326 22.2629 3.08097 21.841 2.65901C21.419 2.23705 20.8467 2 20.25 2Z" fill="#444444"/>
156 </svg>
157 </a>
159 <a
160 class="btn btn-monospaced btn-unstyled lfr-portal-tooltip"
161 href="${title}%0AVeja%20mais%20em:&url=${url}"
162 target="_blank"
163 title="Compartilhar no Twitter"
164 data-tooltip-align="bottom"
165 >
166 <svg width="24" height="25" viewBox="0 0 24 25" fill="none" xmlns="">
167 <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M4.5 2C2.84315 2 1.5 3.34315 1.5 5V20C1.5 21.6569 2.84315 23 4.5 23H19.5C21.1569 23 22.5 21.6569 22.5 20V5C22.5 3.34315 21.1569 2 19.5 2H4.5ZM10.5221 13.2735L4.53772 5H9.15L13.0732 10.4238L17.9287 5H19.2842L13.6788 11.2613L20 20H15.3877L11.1279 14.1107L5.85544 20H4.5L10.5221 13.2735ZM8.64981 6.03247H6.53094L15.8876 18.9678H18.0065L8.64981 6.03247Z" fill="#444444"/>
168 </svg>
169 </a>
171 <a
172 class="btn btn-monospaced btn-unstyled lfr-portal-tooltip"
173 href="${url}"
174 target="_blank"
175 title="Compartilhar no Linkedin"
176 data-tooltip-align="bottom"
177 >
178 <svg width="24" height="25" viewBox="0 0 24 25" fill="none" xmlns="">
179 <path d="M21 2H2.99531C2.17031 2 1.5 2.67969 1.5 3.51406V21.4859C1.5 22.3203 2.17031 23 2.99531 23H21C21.825 23 22.5 22.3203 22.5 21.4859V3.51406C22.5 2.67969 21.825 2 21 2ZM7.84687 20H4.73438V9.97812H7.85156V20H7.84687ZM6.29062 8.60938C5.29219 8.60938 4.48594 7.79844 4.48594 6.80469C4.48594 5.81094 5.29219 5 6.29062 5C7.28437 5 8.09531 5.81094 8.09531 6.80469C8.09531 7.80312 7.28906 8.60938 6.29062 8.60938ZM19.5141 20H16.4016V15.125C16.4016 13.9625 16.3781 12.4672 14.7844 12.4672C13.1625 12.4672 12.9141 13.7328 12.9141 15.0406V20H9.80156V9.97812H12.7875V11.3469H12.8297C13.2469 10.5594 14.2641 9.72969 15.7781 9.72969C18.9281 9.72969 19.5141 11.8062 19.5141 14.5062V20Z" fill="#444444"/>
180 </svg>
181 </a>
182 </div>
184 <script>
185 if (navigator.share !== undefined) {
186 $("#share").append(`
187 <a
188 class="btn btn-monospaced btn-unstyled lfr-portal-tooltip"
189 href="javascript:void(0)"
190 title="Compartilhar"
191 data-tooltip-align="left"
192 onclick="share();"
193 >
194 <i class="las la-share"></i>
195 </a>
196 `);
198 function share() {
199 navigator.share({
200 title: "${.vars['reserved-article-title'].data}",
201 text: 'Matéria do portal da Mesa Brasil (Sesc - DF)',
202 url: "${fullURLCurrent}",
203 })
204 .then(() => console.log('Compartilhado com sucesso'))
205 .catch((error) => console.log('Erro ao compartilhar', error));
206 }
207 }
208 </script>
ddmTemplate_977705 is not a display type.